25 January 2006

I'm an engineer, what can I say?

The paper towel dispenser in the bathroom never works because the paper towels get jammed up inside and when you spin the little thingy to make them come out, they just get stuck even farther away from the dispensing hole. One of these days I'm going to take it apart and figure out how it works so that I can fix it every time it breaks. I'll probably get in trouble for damaging it or something but I don't care.

14 January 2006

Books again

So I returned those two books and I got $70 back which is good I guess. That still means I spent $430 on books which is STILL WAY TOO MUCH!

Right now I'm home from school for the three day weekend and it's nice cause I don't have to deal with my roommates all weekend. I have a lot of work to do, though.

This quarter I'm taking:
- Chemistry
- Math
- Spanish
- Human Sexuality

The subjects that actually matter (math and chemistry) have pretty crappy professors. So crappy, in fact, that my math teacher was trying to teach us something and got so confused that he just gave up and moved on. Well that's helpful.

Time for homework, then.

04 January 2006

Holy Crap

I spent $506.86 on books yesterday. Wow. I think I can return two of them ($35.60 and $29.95) and I have two more books to sell back (probably like $5). I also might be able to get one of my books cheaper but that's still WAY TOO MUCH MONEY!