28 February 2006

Ew nasty

On the wall in the stairwell near my room, there's a poster that has a list of ways to get healthy or stay healthy or something. One of them was "eat the peel on apples" but they had a picture of a banana next to it. Even though I read apple I was thinking banana because that's what the picture is of. I had to do a double take on that one because who eats the peel on bananas?

19 February 2006

Paper towel dispenser

So on Thursday night when I went up to brush my teeth, the paper towel dispenser was jammed so I fixed it. I felt special.

In other news, I come home a lot. I like babysitting and everything, and Mark is on something.... Now we're going to watch some chick-flick.

12 February 2006


So I didn't get into Olin (surprise, surprise) and I can't apply to the school in Southern California until next year (so I'd be going there as a junior) and I don't even know if I'm going to do that. We'll have to wait and see.
In other news, I'm joining Davis Pre-Med AMSA, which is an organization for Pre-Med students from any major at UC Davis. That'll be fun; they have seminars and fund raisers and other events all year long. Wheeeee. I'm also going to the Cultural Health Conference which is at the medical school here on campus on March 4th.