10 January 2008


It's 2008. Exciting! I haven't posted here in a while. What's happened since April, hmm... Well, I moved twice; from Drake to this crappy house with a crappy landlord, then from there to the apartment in which I live now. I like it here. It's close to campus which is definitely nice, and right on the edge of downtown. It's even better now that the guy upstairs moved out and doesn't play his loud music 24/7 anymore.

Winter quarter just started and I'm taking 4 engineering classes. All my classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays, which is kinda nice, but my Mondays and Wednesdays are LONG. It wreaks havoc on my knees, just sitting stationary for so long. I'll have to remedy that somehow.

On Tuesday I went to meet a family about babysitting, since I have 5 days with no classes this quarter. They liked me, so I'm going to be babysitting for them 3 days a week, and for another family one day a week. The new family asked me to get a flu shot, so I'm going to go do that in about 20 minutes, and I plan on selling my books back while I'm on campus. I have a ton of books to sell back, so hopefully I'll get a fair amount for them.