12 December 2005


I took my math and english finals today. I think I did pretty well on my math final even though I sort of ran out of study time at the end. There was one thing that I didn't review before I went but I totally figured it out anyway. It was awesome. My english final was an in class essay and I wrote 2.5 pages at the beginning. Then I edited it a TON and decided to write it over since I had the materials and the time (I thought). I sort of ran out of time at the end though so I had to write REALLY fast and I KILLED my hands. Then when I was riding my back to my room they went numb from the cold. It's all better now, though. Two down, two to go.

10 December 2005

Haha owned

Last night one of my roommates that I don't like and some other people in my building had jello shots and a water bottle full of vodka in our room. Lauren and I went and found an RA and got them busted. Haha, losers. They deserved it.

07 December 2005

Awesome day

I got a 94% on my third math midterm and the median score was a 48%. That means I kick ass, basically. I also found out that I have a 98% in engineering, which means I only need to get a 71% on the final in order to get an A in the class. That shouldn't be too difficult. Jazmin also tested past all of the piano classes that her school offers so now she gets special lessons or something. I guess today was just a good day.

As of right now I have 29 meals left on my meal plan and only eight more days until the dining hall closes for break. That means I'll be eating a lot in the near future. Maybe I'll find some poor starving senior with a car and bribe them with food. That would be nice.

01 December 2005

Rain rain rain

It's been raining all day. I like the rain and everything but it's such a pain to have to dry your clothes off when you come inside. Especially if you have to wear them again later and they're not all the way dry yet. Luckily I don't have to deal with that problem today because I haven't gone out in the rain yet.

Finals start in one week and four days. I have two finals on Monday, one on Tuesday, and one on Saturday (ick). I guess it's okay though because I'll have all week to study for my NAS final which I'm probably going to fail anyway. I got a 52% on my NAS midterm which was, amazingly, above the average of 50%. I'm hoping the professor realizes that he's not doing a very good job at teaching this class and that perhaps he should make some adjustments in his teaching styles. We'll see what happens.