01 December 2005

Rain rain rain

It's been raining all day. I like the rain and everything but it's such a pain to have to dry your clothes off when you come inside. Especially if you have to wear them again later and they're not all the way dry yet. Luckily I don't have to deal with that problem today because I haven't gone out in the rain yet.

Finals start in one week and four days. I have two finals on Monday, one on Tuesday, and one on Saturday (ick). I guess it's okay though because I'll have all week to study for my NAS final which I'm probably going to fail anyway. I got a 52% on my NAS midterm which was, amazingly, above the average of 50%. I'm hoping the professor realizes that he's not doing a very good job at teaching this class and that perhaps he should make some adjustments in his teaching styles. We'll see what happens.


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