29 March 2006

Driver's License

Apparently the DMV didn't feel it was important to send me a renewal form for my driver's license, so now I have to take the test again since it expired.

15 March 2006


In my Human Sexuality class there are three midterms and an optional paper. You can use the grade on the paper to replace of the the exam scores if it's higher. Based on my grades on the first two midterms, I knew I needed to get a 95 on either the paper or the third exam in order to get an A in the class. The professor said that the grades for the papers were going to be posted last night or this morning. Long story short, they weren't posted, I didn't study, they lost my paper, I took the exam, e-mailed my paper to the TA, got a 95 on it, and an A in the class.

14 March 2006

Pi Day

I went to Safeway and to Albertson's to see if they had any of those little tiny pies but they didn't. But I'm wearing my pi shirt so it's okay.

In other news, I have a place to live for next year. It's pretty nice; I'm excited. And the rent is cheap so that's good too.

Now I have to go study for chemistry, even though I'm going to fail anyway.

03 March 2006

My hands smell like butter

This morning at breakfast I had a waffle and I had two little foil packets of butter to put on it. I only used one so I put the other one in my sweatshirt pocket. As luck would have it, I forgot about it and it melted. When I ride my bike I put my bike lock in my pocket because I have nowhere else to put it. So when I got to my afternoon class, I reached in my pocket and pulled out my lock which was covered in butter. I tried to wipe it off but as my hands were already covered in butter, I didn't do a very thorough job. I washed my hands before I went to class, but they still smelled, so I washed them again after I got done with class. Of course, my lock still had quite a thick layer of grease on it when I got back to my bike after class, so my hands became permeated once again. This cycle is going to continue until my hands slowly absorb all of the disgustingness off my lock, and it's going to be gross. And the rain won't help because it is butter after all.