27 October 2005

Dear Roommates,

Why are you so loud? I don't like it when you listen to bad music, especially when I'm trying to sleep. I also don't like it when you attempt to sing along to your bad music (and fail miserably), especially when I'm trying to sleep. How come you always turn on your bad music really loud and then leave the room? At least have some degree of courtesy, please. You know, there's this really awesome invention that's been around for quite a few years now. You might try investing in a pair of headphones. They're really very handy.

It's very annoying when you slam the door so hard. It makes me cringe when I'm awake; imagine what it does to me when I have to wake up to that sound followed by my walls vibrating. I really do not like getting woken up to slamming doors and yelling. If you're going to open the door, either leave it open so I can shut it nicely later (or when I wake up), or learn how to shut it without slamming it. I would really appreciate it.

The bottom line is this: I value my existence. I am already unfortunate enough to have to live in the same room with you this year and put up with all of your noise and annoyances, so please at least try to make my stay as least crappy as possible.


26 October 2005

College and stuff

After Lauren and I walked out of the dining hall it was really cold and the sprinklers were on so just as we were about to run to get by them, they turned off. That was nice. It was still really cold so once we got on our bikes we were riding really fast so we'd get back to our room faster.
"We're getting close! I can smell it!"
The cows... my best friends.

I took my first of three math midterms last week and I scored higher than the median but I still got a C. Oh well, I still have two more midterms and a final to make up for it.

And last but not least, whoever buys me this shirt will be my best friend:

21 October 2005

Last night at dinner...

They have sample plates of everything sitting out so you can see what you want and I was looking at this pasta with some white sauce thing on it when this black woman comes and switches that plate to this other pasta with vegetables in it and the white sauce.

Me (as the woman walks away to set the plate down): That was the uncoolest thing ever.
Lauren: It's the same thing, it just has some color now.
Me (as the woman walks by again): I'm racist, I don't like color.

I was obviously referring to the food but the lady who switched the plates didn't know that...

15 October 2005


I'm taking a really easy math class because I did bad on the placement test because I don't know trig because my math teacher junior year sucked. I've missed two classes so far and I haven't done the homework for the past three or four assignments (but he doesn't collect it so it doesn't matter) and I'm not behind at all. I did the assignment that was due today and I understood it perfectly. I'm glad I have easy classes this quarter; I guess it's helping me ease my way into the college life.

13 October 2005

Rant on Native American Studies

My professor spends the whole class period pointing out how ignorant everyone is because we haven't done anything to improve the situation of Native Americans in general. This is an Introduction to NAS class, we're taking it because we're not educated on the subject. He points out the bias in EVERYTHING that ever existed and manipulates stuff to try to make everyone feel bad for it. For example, today he shows us some statistics on the percentages of Native American faculty in colleges in the United States. Caucasian people consisted of 85% or something along those lines, and Native Americans consisted of 0.4%. He ranted about how there need to be more Native American professors and stuff. There are a few problems with this statement:

1. When you compare the population statistics of the United States to these statistics, you get similar numbers:

                                            United States       Universities
    Native American Population:         0.9%                0.4%    
            Caucasian Population:         75.1%               85%

It's true that the numbers aren't exactly the same, but they are a lot closer than the professor tried to make us believe.

2. Native Americans as a group are anti-college because not very many universities have NAS programs. You can't become a teacher/professor without education and credentials, which you get from (surprise, surprise) COLLEGE.

3. When they DO go to college, they get degrees in the newly developed and unaccredited Native American Studies departments, not education.

In other words, that class sucks. Today there were at least three people talking on AIM on their laptops (I obviously wasn't one of them), and I saw two or more people asleep at any given time.

05 October 2005

Does anybody actually read this?

Besides Nik, nobody ever comments so I don't know if there are actually people reading this or not. Leave a comment so I know if I should still update this or not.